Refund Policy

We are selling products that can't physically be returned. Because of this we have some simple rules in place for our refund policy.

We do NOT offer refunds on software.

We will only offer a refund in certain cases as described below.

Good Reasons for a Refund

It just doesn't work at all.

If you are unable to get the product to work, we want to fix that. It's important you give the us a chance to help you. If you are having trouble isntalling your product, open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist you. If we can not get the product working on your website/server either, then you qualify for a refund.

It doesn't work as claimed.

If you feel the product doesn’t perform as claimed, please open a support ticket explain what your expectations were and what led you to believe they would be met from the product's pages. If we claim our product/produts have functionality that they do not, then you qualify for a refund.

Bad Reasons for a Refund

  • I just decided I didn't need it.
  • I bought a few products to compare.
  • I thought it would do something it doesn't.
  • I never asked for help.
  • I bought it well over 30 days ago.
  • It turns out I don't like websites.


  1. Login with the account you purchased the product with and open a Support ticket.

  2. Work with us to try to resolve the issue.

  3. If the issue can not be resolved, you qualify and can ask for a refund.