
Add a MySQL Database in cPanel The following article explains how to add a MySQL database in cPanel. You can use cPanel's... Exim: Blackhole vs Fail In the ever-present fight against spam, it's always wise to make your server as robust as... How to enable InnoDB? Enabling InnoDB in the VPS isn't hard at all. Actually, the steps are very quick and seamless.... How to enable gzip in WHM cPanel Use easyapache to recompile apache and php. Find and enable the module "deflate"Some things to... How to enable gzip or deflate globally in cPanel / WHM This will be a quick one folks.  The Apache module mod_deflate helps in reducing the size of the... How to find the correct path to the working php.ini file in WHM cPanel run # php -i | grep php.ini at the command line. This will output the path to the php.ini file... How to globally disable directory browsing on a WHM cPanel server For those looking for a more simple point and lick solution from WHM. Log into WHM Service... How to increase upload limit for PhpMyAdmin on a Cpanel server By default, PhpMyAdmin in a Cpanel server imposes an upload limit of 50MB. So importing a SQL... Increase cPanel Securetmp Partition Size cPanel's new securetmp script is handy to prevent users from executing malicious code in /tmp or... Modify Pre-Existing Default Accounts on cPanel Although the default address can be easily changed in the WHM, this setting only applies to... PCI Compliance in cPanel PCI scans will often fail for weak SSL ciphers and older protocols. In order to disable older... Temporary URL for cpanel accounts The temporary URL is used when your domain name is not working. Here is an example of the... WHM SSH Reset If for some reason you become locked out of SSH due to a misconfiguration, you may be able to... cPanel Port Usage Here is a table of all of the ports used by cPanel. Optional services are noted. If you know...
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